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Chinese translation for "absolute monarchy"


Related Translations:
monarchy:  n.君主政治,君主政体;君主国;独裁君主权,大权。 an absolute monarchy君主专制制度。 a constitutional [limited] monarchy君主立宪制度。 a despotic monarchy 专制君主政体;专制君主国。
fifth monarchy:  【宗教】基督的王国。
fifth monarchy men:  【英史】十七世纪热烈盼望基督再次降临的基督教徒。
absolute:  adj.1.绝对的 (opp. relative, comparative); 完全的,纯粹的。2.无条件的,无限制的。3.专制的,独裁的,独行的,独断的。4.确实的,肯定的。5.【语法】独立的,游离的。短语和例子absolute truth 绝对真理。 absolute liberty 无限自由。 an absolute ruler 专制君主。 absolute proo
absolute pitch:  1.绝对音高,标准音高;绝对音调。2.音高辨音力。
ablative absolute:  独立夺格(结构)。
absolute alcohol:  【化学】无水酒精,纯酒精。
absolute value:  【数学】绝对值。
absolute magnitude:  【天文学】绝对星等。
absolute music:  纯音乐,无标题音乐。
Example Sentences:
1.On han feizi ' s theory of absolute monarchy
2.Confucianists ' desires of order and its identify and clash with absolute monarchy
3.The absolute monarchy of france was highly developed , and the king was the symbol of peace , order and unity
4.In this social and historical condition , boetie revealed profoundly the essential of the institution of absolute monarchy
5.In the middle of the 18th century , on account of the serious financial crisis , the french absolute monarchy was forced to carry out a series of reforms
6.In contrast to hobbes , locke opposes absolute monarchy : " absolute monarchy , which by some men is counted the only government in the world , is indeed inconsistent with civil society , and so can be no form of civil government at all " ( 48 )
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